Blocks & Lots

HPD Marketing Handbook: marketing and selection of residents

“This handbook (the “Marketing Handbook”) contains the policies, procedures, and requirements for marketing and selection of residents for developments (“Projects”) assisted by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”) and the New York City Housing Development Corporation (“HDC”) (together, the “Agencies”).

Developers, owners, and sponsors of Projects (“Developers”), as well as other agents or entities responsible for the marketing and resident selection for Projects (“Marketing Agents”) must comply with the Marketing Handbook’s policies, procedures, and requirements. Marketing Agents may include in-house departments of the Developer, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Developer, or third-party marketing, leasing, managing, monitoring, or administering agents. All Marketing Agents must meet certain qualifications and must be approved by the Agency prior to marketing, regardless of whether they are part of the Developer’s organization or a third party.

Compliance with the Marketing Handbook will be monitored by either HPD or HDC (whichever is applicable for a particular project is referred to herein as the “Agency”), depending on the project.

The primary objective of the marketing, lease-up and sales effort is to ensure that the process is fair and provides equal opportunity to all applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. In addition, the process should affirmatively further fair housing by promoting racial, ethnic, income, and geographic diversity among residents and within the neighborhood, and by providing applicants with mobility, vision, or hearing disabilities that require accessible/adaptable units priority for those units.”


Link to document is here:
