“As part of the process of establishing rent adjustments for stabilized apartments, as required by the Rent Stabilization Law, the NYC Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) has analyzed the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing in New York City since 1969. Historically, the Board’s primary instrument for measuring changes in prices and costs has been the Price Index of Operating Costs (PIOC), a survey of prices and costs for various goods and services required to operate and maintain rent-stabilized apartment buildings.
In 1990, the RGB acquired a new data source that has greatly expanded the information base used in the rent adjustment-setting process: Real Property Income and Expense (RPIE) statements from rent-stabilized buildings collected by the NYC Department of Finance. RPIE data encompasses both revenue and expenses, allowing the Board to accurately gauge the overall economic condition of New York City’s rent-stabilized housing stock. By using consecutive RPIE filings from an identical set of buildings, a longitudinal comparison can also be made that illustrates changes in conditions over a two-year period.
This report examines the conditions that existed in New York’s rent-stabilized housing market in 2017, the year for which the most recent data set is available, and the extent to which these conditions changed from the prior year, 2016.”
New-York-City-Rent-Guidelines-Board-2019-Income-and-Expense-StudySee the complete study here: https://blocksandlots.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/New-York-City-Rent-Guidelines-Board-2019-Income-and-Expense-Study.pdf