Blocks & Lots

NYC Property Address Directory (PAD)

“The Property Address Directory (PAD) contains geographic information about New York City’s approximately one million tax lots (parcels of real property) and the buildings on them. PAD was created and is maintained by the Department of City Planning’s (DCP’s) Geographic Systems Section (GSS). PAD is released under the BYTES of the BIG APPLE product line four times a year, reflecting tax geography changes, new buildings and other property-related changes. Please note: PAD contains geographic information only. In particular, it does not contain nongeographic information about tax lots, such as ownership, assessed valuation or tax payments and arrears; such information is maintained separately by the Department of Finance (DOF). PAD also does not contain non-geographic information about buildings, such as work permits, certificates of occupancy or building code violations; such information is maintained separately by the Department of Buildings (DOB).

A key component of the information in PAD is a list of geographic identifiers associated with each tax lot, in the BYTES of the BIG APPLE version of PAD these geographic identifiers are found in the ADR table. The list is intended to provide a comprehensive geographic profile of each tax lot by identifying, so far as the information is known, all of the buildings the lot contains; all of the street addresses and non-addressable street frontages of each of those buildings; all of the street frontages of the lot not associated with buildings; and any NonAddressable Place Names (NAPs) associated with the lot.”


Link to the document is here:
