Blocks & Lots

Marketing Center Success: Creating Social Posts that Show You Are a Real Estate Market Expert

With Marketproof Pro’s Marketing Center, you can create market reports, social posts, newsletters, and postcards in minutes.

This video showcases the Social Post section of the Marketing Center and what you can do with your social post, using the example of uploading your images to Instagram.

Video Transcript:

I’m going to show you how to create a social post using the Marketing Center and some examples of what you can do with it.

With the Marketing Center, you can create social posts for the overall market, new development, luxury, condo, co-op, and townhouse markets, each with its own unique template.

For this example, I’m going to create a Market Overview Social Post, which will give us a marketwide post, but also separate posts for condo, co-op, and single family. 

Once you click, “Preview & Customize”, you’ll see the social post created automatically for NYC. With information on the number of contracts signed, comparisons to previous time periods, and a visual chart showcasing the stats over time, your social post is good to download and go if you like how it is. 

However, you can do a lot more with this social post to make it more personal to you. 

On the top, we have this bar with several sections to customize. First is Brand. Here you can upload your logo and add your contact information to have it on your post. With themes, you can customize the look of your post. We have a variety of predefined themes to choose from. If you click on Custom Options, you can then customize it even further by choosing the font style of either Bold or Elegant. Then you can change the color scheme and pick a specific color for every aspect of your post including the accent, text, and background. 

Area will change what exactly your post will highlight. Search for any borough or neighborhood to showcase specifically that area to highlight. For example, I’ll put in Upper East Side, but also Upper West Side to showcase how specific you can get. You can also click on “map” and click on areas you want to showcase or use this polygon tool from the sidebar to draw an area you want to highlight. For example, we’ll also add Billionaire’s Row to the post. Then just click “Update” to have your post reflect the changes you made, showcasing only the areas you wanted. Then with Date, you can choose the time range you want your post to be. There are many different options including a custom time range.

Your social post is written automatically for you, which can be edited if you’d like with “Copy.”

Once you are satisfied with your post, click on “Download Images”, and it’ll save your social post as a ZIP file, allowing you to use it anywhere else. To unzip the file, just right-click on the zip file and select “extract all”. Choose your destination on where you want your images to be and then click “Extract” and you’ll have your images out to be used for social media.

Now, let me show you how to use this social post on a social media platform such as Instagram. On Instagram, it’s simply like creating any other post, just choose the images you created, write your caption, and share with your followers. If you have your Facebook connected, then that’s another platform that’ll showcase your post. Use the images on LinkedIn, Twitter, or wherever else your social presence is to showcase a digestible breakdown of the market activity.

With that, you now have a customized social post made in a few minutes now part of your upcoming marketing with some examples on how to use it.

Be sure to explore the other sections of Marketing Center to make market reports, newsletters, and postcards today.

Marketproof Pro subscribers can use Marketing Center today.

Sign up for a 7-day free trial to use Marketing Center and the rest of Marketproof Pro.

Photo courtesy of The Henry.
