A recorded sale happens when the city recognizes a transfer of ownership and adds it to the public record. This comes after the closing date, when ownership actually passes from seller to buyer and the buyer gets their...
Category - NYC Government
Where to find an NYC BBL
In NYC real estate, BBL stands for borough, block, and lot. This 10-digit number identifies each individual piece of land in NYC. It is also universal, so it makes tracking buildings across databases easier. The...
NYC Condominium Apportionment and Approval Process
This procedure outlines what NYC Department of Finance requires to apportion and approve a new condominium. Our goal is to make sure the public understands our review process and knows exactly what information and...
New York City Property Tax System Background
New York City Property Tax System History 1975 Court of Appeals Case: Hellerstein v. Town of Islip – SeminalcaseforrealpropertytaxreforminNYS In 1981, NY’s Real Property Tax Law was amended to create what is effectively...
NYC Advisory Commission on Property Tax Reform: Preliminary Report Jan 2020
The NYC Advisory Commission on Property tax Reform reached consensus on 10 initial recommendations: The Commission recommends moving coops, condominiums and rental buildings with up to 10 units into a new residential...
NYC Retail Registry Legislation
Legislation Text – Int 1472-2019 Int. No. 1472-B City Hall New York, NY 10007 File #: Int 1472-2019, Version: B By Council Members Rosenthal, The Speaker (Council Member Johnson), Levine, Ayala, Brannan, Rivera...